Anyway, here we are well into 2010 and I'm having discussing with work about going back so my maternity leave must be coming to an end. My but hasn't that gone quick!
But then somehow I don't feel like it ever really got going. My memories of Dan at this stage were that we had our days fairly well planned and a routine going. We did swimming and Jolly Babies and post-natal group and baby group: all at defined times. We had a time of day when I went out (generally to help Dan sleep) even if it was just for a walk. This time round, well Nicky has just started at Jolly Babies but other than that structure seems to be very hit and miss. Maybe it's because it is the second child (who doesn't automatically sleep when taken out!); maybe it's because we're in a new town where there are less options - the post-natal group runs for 6 weeks instead of 6 months! Maybe it's because Rik's been at home "between contracts" since the beginning of the year which makes every day feel like the weekend - if you know what I mean. But I do feel like I'm missing some structure to the day. Equally though it's been nice not to have to get myself and children up and out of the house by 8.30 - or earlier. How on earth am I going to do that? Ah well, I do have a couple of months to syke myself up.
As for the boys' particular exploits. Dan had a birthday - you probably knew that.

He enjoyed his first ever birthday party (at home with his three "best" friends from nursery - I kept it small!) and it went very well. He has two states of being; asleep and talking! And I can't believe he's starting school in September (probably the local state school - lack of contract over the past 8 weeks has made Cathedral School a bit of a longshot).

When he can manage it though he's generally a very happy chappy who giggles and gurgles - particularly when his big brother starts jumping around. Can you believe he's already 5 months old - where did the rest of 2009 go?
So there we are. Hopefully Rik will find another contract soon. He's beginning to get very anxious about it all though there do seem to be lots of opportunities out there. It's just a question of finding one which fits him and which he fits into. The best option at the moment seems to be a year (or more) with another part of the organisation he was working for previously. That means he'd be based in Reading again which is not absolutely ideal since it would be lovely to have him closer to home and able to help out with things like school runs but if that's what there is; that's what we'll have to do. He was even looking at going off to Warrington for half of the week just in a desperate attempt to find something - so Reading is a definite plus!
And I'll probably be back at work after Easter ... depending on childcare arrangements. If you've been following Facebook you'll know the slight hiccup in getting Nicky into nursery with Dan. I've found one childminder who could take him for the full three days until nursery has space but I wasn't awfully impressed with her. I visited another today who is absolutely lovely - but only has space on Thursday which means I need to find something for Mon/Tues. I did speak to a third childminder who had space for those days but when I've tried to get in touch with her again to arrange a visit she's not returned my calls - doesn't bode well. Oh dear ..... Still at least I know work can be a bit flexible about my working arrangements if necessary and - though far from ideal - it would be possible to do some work at home with Nicky on floor beside me whilst he's this young ...... JUST!
And we have Nicky's christening to look forward to: though the Church's idea of having it on Mother's Day may be back-firing as several of my guests are saying they have other commitments with their own mothers! Ah well; as long as some of you turn up it'll be fine :-)
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