Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our new Pad

For photos of the new house check out Facebook; in the meantime
check out this cool dude! (and the fabulous roses behind which overhang our pond ... complete with frogs - large and small!)


Oracle Mum said...

Ah - what a handsome chap. I'm sure he's getting taller - you must be feeding him good Somerset fare.

Hope you are feeling better today love.

Look forward to seeing you.

This is an experiment as I am attempting this comment from my office machine.

Here goes .....

Ken said...

"check out facebook"?!

I may be a techno-genius but I don't do social networking sites like that and have no idea how to check out facebook!

Whenever I try it seems to want me to sign up for an account, which I'm not about to do!

If you've got picture somewhere (and there are so many places you can store them these days), I'd suggest you provide a link so I can get to them!

alex n rik said...

Dad - ah but I see you are now!!

Mum - yes I think he may be: though the most noticable thing at the moment is a Somerset twang to the voice!

Ken said...

Feeding Somerset fare... developing a Somerset twang. There's a clue there somewhere! ;-)

alex n rik said...

hmm maybe ......