well here we are. We've officially been here just over a week and so far everything seems to be going okay. There is some serious re-decorating that needs doing (why do you never notice these things until you move in??) and some emerging peculiar features that might need altering - a door at the bottom of the stairs; great we thought one less stairgate needed when the time comes; actually its a pain!
Not everything is quite where we want it to be; the guest room doesn't really exist at the moment and the box full of the "kitchen drawer" hasn't been sorted yet. Oh and we need to decide what Dan's toy storage is going to be. But other than that we seem to be in and have a working house.
The garden is amazing: though slightly overwhelming and there's even a pond with frogs and newts in.
Our removal guys were fabulous and didn't leave until they had everything the way we wanted it. They re-built furniture, moved things around and were generally 110% helpful. There is one picture missing which I wonder whether has been left on a van somewhere but we'll deal with that when they come to pick up the boxes!
And we've given the house a name - well it needs one really. Fletchings House refers to the fact that we're living on The Butts .... does that make sense? It may if you know your military history. If not, ask and I might tell you ;-)