Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"M" minus 2

Actually it's less than 2. At 8am in the morning the packers are turning up to pack and part load and on Thursday we will be leaving our lovely familiar house in Bristol to start a home in our lovely totally unknown house in Frome. I have given up trying to sort out and organise ahead of this!.

And this is exciting but it's also scary and more than a little bit sad. Whilst we know, rationally, that the move is what we want, and the house we've found is lovely, we don't know it; we don't know how it works or behaves (spare us from badly behaved houses!). We've been in this house in Fishponds for 10 1/2 years - can you believe - and it will be very sad to leave it. We've also been in Bristol for nearly 13 years and whilst we're looking forward to being in a smaller town, Bristol has been fab.

But perhaps saddest of all, Dan has to leave the fabulous Orchard Lea Nursery. And again I know I've found him a fantastic nursery in Frome where he will be very happy but Orchard Lea is all he - and we've - known since he was six months old and they've been brilliant (apart from the slight bankruptcy hiccup last year!). And whilst rationally I know that he'll adjust to the new one in time, the emotional side of me feels very guilty for taking him away from the environment he knows: but then we're doing that to ourselves too aren't we?

Maybe this is all just 3am talk .....why am I up at 3am on a Wednesday morning? Ah well that will be my fabulous cold which has decreed that unless I'm sat bolt upright, a cough will start which will end in my throwing up. You try sitting bolt upright when you're falling asleep. Plus Dan's had a bad dream and is now crying on the landing ......

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