I will put this right
So I AM ONE .... one what?? - this is apparently a good thing (and Daddy says quite an achievement) Here am I eating cheesy scrambled eggs on my birthday.
Daddy has a new job which he is starting in the middle of March (not sure what that means but apparently it's important). He's going to work for Thales in Wales: no that's not right it's Trellis in Wellis ..... no, no, no, it's IN Wells and the company is called "Thales" but it's pronounced "Tallis" ??? Mummy says he will be paid lots of money - does that mean I can have lots of new things? Toys do get boring after you've played with them twice.
Mummy & Daddy have been spending lots of money on a new fireplace - you wouldn't believe how quickly I have to keep moving in the sitting room to prevent getting cold - and an extremely lot of money on a new kitchen .... which might have to be cancelled if Mummy is offered and accepts the job she interviewed for in Yeovil today.
What else? I am standing upright and pushing things around as fast as I can. It is my favourite game. And apparently Mummy is trying to organise a different sort of game called "Charade". I don't know what it means but she says it's something to do with "a play". I don't see what the problem is, I play all the time and it's no effort.

Bye bye; love Da-da-da-Dan xx
What an amazing cake! That Mum of yours is dead clever, dan.
Hi Dan, glad to see you've got this tek-nol-er-gy stuff sorted! Now you've realised just why it was you were trying to pull yourself up to the table with the laptop on it!!
Like your pic too, though I see you've still not mastered the idea of applying food INTERNALLY!
Thinking of how quickly toys get boring, just remember that there are plenty of empty boxes and used wrapping paper in the world... and then you can move on to bits of wood and all manner of things that grown ups just don't realise are interesting!
Internally ....??? Naah!! Where's the fun in that?
trying to find my password!
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