People have been asking what I look like now I've had my hair chopped. For those of you that haven't seen it yet ...... this is what it looks like (or used to look like before it started growing again!)
Interesting snippets and progress on matters in the lives of the Kershaw-Moore household
oh yes but actually, now it's quite a bit longer and whereas when it was "long" long I could just sweep it up off the back of my neck - now I can't! Though I have discovered I can just about get the back into a very stubby ponytail which is fine for round the house, in private ..... I'm having it cut next Thursday
You might have smiled for the camera - you look like you've got a carrot up yer bum
it was a self-portrait and me smiling for such things never comes out right. Trust me, it's better this way! I always look either totally stoned or like a manic psycho
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