Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dan's Doins - August 2008

the final instalment: white boys can jump!

Well I can anyway. And Mummy assures me that by "jump" I do mean bend the knee, spring up, both feet leave the ground at the same time - sometimes I move forward too. It's great fun! I like doing it a lot.

Mummy wants me to say that the new kitchen floor is finally in - HURRAY!! - and the spare bedroom has gone from the general allsorts to an almond and biscuit colour. Unfortunately Mummy's camera battery is dead so no photos can be displayed yet ..... and this particular battery seems to be difficult to replace. Daddy does have a camera of his own but he hides it so it cannot be used unless he decides to use it.... oh dear

The kitchen floor is great for running on, driving on and pushing cars and trains along.

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